I know everyone is super excited about Celebrating 4th of July as well as the awesome 3-day weekend we're coming upon.
I've gathered here a few ideas for you to explore and share with your friends and family for your own celebrations. I also wanted to touch points on a few safety and concerns that arise during these festivities.
First off lets share some great ideas to decorate your spread.
Patriotic Rice Krispy Treats
bloominghomestead.com |
Patriotic Rice Krispy Treats
Create these cute little treats for a quick finger food. No one can resist a Krispy treat, so why not whip up a batch of these and pass them out at your party?!
Quick Instructions:
Make a normal batch of Rice Krispy treats, then make 2 more batches, dying one red and the other blue. Stack the three in a "Red, White, and Blue" fashion, pressing them firmly together to ensure they are attached. Finish up cutting either with a star cookie cutter, or in squares, or however you wish to dish up this delicious morsel.
Firework Dogs
Firework Dogs
popsugar.com |
A classic that is quick and easy to make. These are great to bring some color and excitement to your table as well as a big hit with everyone at your gathering.
Quick Instructions:
Take a long bamboo skewer and thread a hot dog down at least an inch or two. Use biscuit or a bread dough and wrap around the hot dog, being sure to leave some of the hot dog visible between each twist. Bake accordingly to the biscuit instructions. Take a tiny star cookie cutter and cut some cheese stars. Carefully stick the cheese star on the top of the skewer. Gather your Firework Dogs and stick them into a jar or canister so they can stand up. Display with pride with other patriotic decorations.
Red, White & Blue Cheesecake Bites
thekitchenismyplayground.com |
Red White & Blue Cheesecake Bites
A healthy finger food that most will enjoy, which takes hardly any time, but will add color and excitement to your table. You can bring these along and nibble on while you enjoy a light show of fireworks.
Quick Instructions:
Gather strawberries, blueberries, some cream cheese,confectioners sugar and almond extract. Cut your strawberries in half, for easier plating, cut a little flat surface on the underside. Mix and whip together your cream cheese, sugar and almond extract. You can opt to pipe or just spoon on the mixture on your strawberries. Then garnish your strawberries delights with a few blueberries each.
Flag Fruit Dessert
Flag Fruit Dessert
familyfreshmeals.com | |
A very quick tray of sweets and fruits. For a no mess option that gathers many different items together, this is a personal favorite.
Quick Instructions:
Gather any a few cups of red fruit or sweets, a cup or two of blueberries, and then a few cups of either yogurt or white chocolate pretzels. Find a large tray or pan. Place your blueberries in a bowl and put it in a corner. Stripe your red fruit/sweets with your white pretzels. And you are done!
For even more colorful and fun food ideas, DIY Joy has a great list you can dive into!
Alright Let's get DECORATING!!!
Twisted Paper Star
liagriffith.com |
Twisted Paper Star Ornament
For a great kid craft, and yet one that you can enjoy too, These twisted stars look great no matter the holiday!
Quick Instructions:
Using origami paper or double sided colored paper (in the colors of red/white and blue/white) Cut into an even square, measure from the edges about 1/2 an inch (or how ever much works for the size of paper you use), mark and draw a line on all four sides, repeat this until you have at least three rings and the center square. Cut out the center square, Cut along the lines, but leave two opposite corners still attached, continue with all rings, leaving the same corners attached each ring.
Grab the center corners and glue, flip over grab the second set of corners and glue together flip over again, and glue the remaining corners together. After creating 5, glue them together. Lastly if you wish to hang, glue a string to one of the tips of your star. If you wish to place on the table, you are finished.
Lia also includes instructions on how to make the solid star.
Ribbon Flag Banner
Ribbon Flag Banner
craftiments.com |
Do you have a lot of left over ribbon that you want to use? This is a cute and quick idea for either a yard decoration or for, my personal favorite, your front door!
Quick Instructions:
Items you need: Various Red and White ribbon/lace of different widths and patterns. A small piece of blue fabric. A stick/dowel, Handing string/white, 50 small white buttons and any other elements you wish to add.
Take the blue piece of fabric and sew on the buttons in an alternating fashion (you know, like the stars are on our flag) Decorate edges if desired. Attach the blue cloth/fabric to the dowel (leaving space at the edge for your hanging string. Cut your ribbon/lace to the desired length (you can choose to be proportionate to your blue cloth, or super impose). Arrange the red and white lace and ribbon (you don't have to be super specific, but grouping helps define the "stripe" better) Secure your "stripes" to the dowel, You may choose to attach some to the end of your blue fabric, or you can let the cloth hang in front of the ribbons.
Decorate the top of the dowel if desired, or you can leave it as is. Attach your hanging string, and enjoy!
Lantern Umbrella Decor |
Lantern Umbrella Decor
This is a quick thing, that only requires you to buy the lanterns and put them together!
Sorry, I do not have a link with further information, as this is inspired by a Pinterest Pin which doesn't link anything relevant.
Quick Instructions:
Gather as many different sized red, white and blue paper round lanterns. Open them up and string them to the underside of your table umbrella. Tying the lanterns to the spokes of the umbrella in different points adds more interest, also vary the lengths of the string, is great too (just make sure that they aren't too low to interfere with gathering the food or people sitting around the table).
A cute variant would be if you chose a lantern that you could add a tea light inside, or even add a string of lights will add a nice atmosphere for when it gets dark, and still let you view the items on the table without bright lights which might overpower those pretty fireworks!
On a serious note:
I would like to remind everyone to be cautious and aware that not every one likes fireworks! Many dogs are terrified and frightened by the noises of the works. Make sure they have a "safe" place to retreat to. Do not interfere with them if they seem edgy, allow them to retreat!
Also babies are frightened as well, use caution when babies are near the fire works.
Lastly, for your own safety, use proper gear and preparations if you are setting off your own fireworks near home.
I hope that everyone enjoys their Holiday and their three-day weekend!
Happy 4th Everyone!